Sunday, November 13, 2011

Be the same

I'm 17 years old and every year is the same. Whenever I want change, I try it once and everything goes back to normal. My contribution to the world: I go to school, then work, and then I do homework. I play some jr jazz, a little guiter, read some books, watch a lot of TV, take some naps, and the remainder of my time is spent at collin or drews house all year long. Every night I look myself in the mirror, send hate-mail to my pen-pal and cry myself to sleep. My ringtone is "hurt" by Johnny cash. I wish I would hurt myself instead.
Until: I walk to my basement and I begin too tingle. I don't know what I'm looking for but I know I'll find it. Actually I know exactly what I'm looking for. Zelda: Ocarina of Time...... Time to be it again.

Questions: Will Eazy ever lose his virginity?
How many times will Eazy beat this game until he can move on?
Will Eazy ever be able to write a serious post?


  1. no. you won't.
    you can't ever beat zelda enough.
    and, i thought that all of these posts were serious.

  2. zelda is a girl, did you know that?

  3. These posts should never be serious. They're freakin' hilarious.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. yeah, you'll get the babes in college.
